A whole bunch of resources so you can make sure you are getting everything you are entitled to, know your legal rights, and that you are not being screwed over by your employer.
Read MoreFeeling addicted to your phone? I hear you. That’s exactly me. I hate it. Here’s some ideas to help,,,
Read MoreWhy a good enough mother IS good enough…
Read MoreWhy baby massage can be something that benefits your baby, you and your partner too. Both now and for years to come!
Read MoreHow to choose an antenatal course that’s right for you. An important read for all parents to be…
Read MoreHow so many things could be different if we nurtured mothers…
Read MoreWhy asking questions of your health care professionals could be the most important thing you do…
Read MoreBaby carriers and slings can be one of the best things to buy for you and your baby. But the choice can be a minefield! So here’s some tips and guidance.
Read MoreWhy decision making in pregnancy and labour is NOT all about statistics and research - so says a maths professor! This is so interesting and SO important for all pregnant folk and their partners to know.
Read MoreApproaching the end of the third trimester? Waiting for your baby to arrive? Worried about induction of labour? Want to feel more positive and have some techniques to try? Then this post is for you…
Read MoreHealth professionals often talk to pregnant folk about BMI being a risk factor for birth. For women with a higher BMI than average there can feel like a lot of pressure is put on them to make certain choices (and a lot of blame and shame too sadly). But a very recently published book has looked at the research and evidence around BMI in pregnancy and birth. It’s rather a revelation.
Read MoreThe long school Summer holidays are about to hit, and that’s always something I find tricky to navigate as a working mother. Here’s some ideas to help you think about the juggle of the school holidays and see work in a different way.
Read MoreDid you know that it’s standard practice to give babies a dose of vitamin K just after birth? Do you know why it’s offered? Do you know why you might accept or decline vitamin K for your baby? Well here’s some info all about it.
Read MoreWhen your baby is born, around a third of babys volume blood is still in the placenta and umbilical cord. But it will quickly make it's way to baby via the umbilical cord. Unless of course the cord is cut before the transfer is complete. So delaying the clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord is so important.
Read MoreLets talk about something that everyone wants to know - but often does not actually get spoken about even by midwives. The taboo of poo in labour.
Read MoreDid you know that the cervix can also close down (recoil) , as well as open (dilate) in labour? Well it can, and this article is all about why it may do that and also how you can help it move in the right direction.
Read MoreA fascinating look at how the baby moves down through the pelvis in labour, through what’s called the ‘cardinal movements’. It’s not all about downward movement - there’s so much more of a dance that baby does than that! Take a look here.
Read MoreSome information for you about baby’s born with their umbilical cords around there necks, and how this is not something to fear and why not. Myth busting pregnancy and birth untruths is something that’s so important! So read on.
Read MoreI like to keep you up to date & informed, so you can make the right decisions for you and your baby. This one is all about breastfeeding, and about a recent update to the Mastitis protocol. It’s important as it actually turns-on-it’s head a lot of the previous recommendations for Mastitis.
Read MoreLets talk about water births. Why you might choose to birth in water, some of the benefits, the research and lots of your questions answered too..
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