Reviews, Testimonials & Kind Words
It's always helpful to hear what other think of something before you try it yourself. Other parents-to-be have told me that hearing the authentic words of others who have already done my course was really helpful when deciding to book my course. So here’s are some feedback from my For Modern Mothers Hypnobirthing & Complete Birth Preparation courses.
Having taught Hypnobirthing & Antenatal courses to hundreds of couples, and being in the birth world for 10 years, there is a lot to choose from I have to say! You can also find more reviews of my Hypnobirthing courses over on my Facebook page too right here - and also on Instagram in my ‘highlights’ (the little circles at the top). And also on my Google page too.
Below the reviews are from my unique Hypnobirthing & Birth Preparation Courses. In addition you will also find loads of reviews for my Pregnancy Yoga, Fertility Yoga and Mum & Baby Yoga classes within the relevant pages of this website and on my Yoga For Modern Life website -
“We attended Susan’s hypnobirthing course this month and it was fantastic. The perfect mix of relaxation techniques, evidence based information about all your options, non-judgemental advice, guides on how to remain in control and make your own decisions, how to navigate the NHS systems and tons more. The effort she had put into the course was evident throughout and we were sent away with loads of extra info and freebies. This course covers everything you need to know about pregnancy, labour and birth - a real all-rounder. I wish I hadn’t bothered with anything else! Thanks Susan .”
“The For Modern Mothers yoga classes coupled with hypnobirthing course were a total game changer for me. I went from feeling like I was facing pregnancy by myself with no experience, to feeling like I was part of a supportive community where everyone was going through the same thing. I have learnt so much from Susan’s skill and expertise, and after the hypnobirthing course found myself actively looking forward to labour instead of putting it out of my mind. With baby on the way any day now I’m feeling positive and excited. You will get so much out of these classes.”
“We are so excited and positive about the (imminent) birth of our baby. Our anxieties are completely under control. We know this is as a direct result of attending the hypnobirthing course with Susan. We feel empowered and informed. We have made our own decisions (with lots of flexibility in our preferences). We have committed ourselves to practicing the techniques. With Susan’s clear & down to earth guidance we feel ‘we can do this’.
I would highly recommend attending pregnancy yoga with Susan too.”
“So much better than the NCT course we did last time around”
“I could not recommend this course enough, it has helped myself and my partner prepare and really get excited about the upcoming birth of our first baby! Susan delivers the course in a casual and friendly setting which is just what you need in order to feel relaxed and really get the most of out it. She also takes the time to really find out what you want from your birth and is extremely supportive of your wishes, doing all she can and more to equip you with information and tools to help you achieve it.”
“My husband and I took part in Susan’s hypnobirthing course in June this year and can’t recommend her highly enough. She is so knowledgeable and delivered all the information in such an interesting and easy to understand format. Had I not done her course i would not have felt at all mentally prepared for birth. I went from feeling apprehensive and nervous about the unknown of labour, to calm and in control. My birth didn’t go how I would have planned, but her course gave me the techniques to deal with all the changes that were beyond my control, which made me feel calm and continue with my hypnobirthing labour. Susan continued her support after the course when I emailed her with questions and concerns. She is incredibly generous with her time and knowledge. She made my labour something I looked forward to, rather than ignored/feared. We now have a beautiful baby boy. A highly recommended 5 stars.”
“We thoroughly enjoyed your course, it’s made us see the birthing process completely differently, and dare I even say I think it could be enjoyable. Whereas before your classI just considered the birthing process to be terrifying! Thank you Susan so much for providing such an informative
and positive course. I’ve been recommending hypnobirthing to anyone that will listen to me! ”
“I met Susan on a very heart-breaking journey to motherhood. When I found myself pregnant it was only natural to seek her advice again. Her hypnobirthing course will give you all the tools to get confident about the birth. You’ll get a chance to connect to your baby and see how you and your birth partner can work as a team. Susan will provide you with all the support you may need no matter how and where you’d like to give birth to your baby. My husband and I went from confused and lost to confident and calm thanks to the hypnobirthing course. Thank you for all your help.”
“We both can’t thank you enough for all your love and support during these precious months. Your knowledge in both pregnancy yoga and hypnobirthing has been invaluable to us and I honestly feel that without meeting you, we would never have known all the wealth of information you’ve shared with us and the choices we as a couple can make along this journey to becoming a family.
We feel we would have just been left to ‘go with standard procedure’ had we not been made aware of all the choices we can make and honestly feel like we’ve been in control and so well informed throughout the process. I just can’t wait to use my hypnobirthing for real!
So I just wanted to say a huge thank you and say we’ll see you on the other side!”
“We really enjoyed how informative the course was, I knew that couples and women have much more “say” into their births now, but actually I found this overwhelming before the course - how was I supposed to decide and make choices? I thought it’d be easier to just go with the flow, not to plan and do as “they” tell me.
But now we no longer feel overwhelmed about the choices and have much more of an understanding of what we ourselves want. In fact, we’re looking forward to birth now and to planning our birth preferences together.
So thank you so much for sharing your wisdom in an easy to digest way!”
“The information received from Susans hypnobirthing course and Susan herself after the course were paramount to us making sure decisions that were absolutely right for us, and not being pressured into it by healthcare professionals.
During labour the hypnobirthing techniques and breathing helped me get to full dilation, and I also believe they helped my partner Aaron to cope and provide support too”
“I went into labour early this morning and had my planned caesarean with a wonderful team and a lovely birth!
Thank you again for all your support and advice. I used my hypnobirthing breathing during my labour and listened to my scripts on the way to hospital and had a really positive experience.
Thanks again for everything - you’ve been brilliant xxxx”
“ I just wanted to thank you for the classes.
The breathing really helped with my contractions and I managed on gas and air alone.
I really enjoyed the classes and thanks again for your support in the run up to the birth of N. ”
“A big thank you for the Hypnobirthing Course.
We have learnt so much and really appreciated understanding the science and reasoning behind everything.
You were not judgmental or biased with anything and that was so nice. We feel so much more prepared now”
“We have both been talking about how great and well put together your course was.
I honestly thought it was the best course we could have done, your wealth of knowledge and passion for the topic is really wonderful. And also thank you so much fo the wealth of resources this is really, really amazing.”
“Baby D was born on Monday evening. I had an induction at 3.30pm and he was born at 7.31pm using the amazing Hypnobirthing and yoga, and a little gas and air towards the end! Thank you so much for all my training and advice! Perfect birth as far as I am concerned 💙 I cannot thank you enough for all the prep work! The yoga and Hypnobirthing were invaluable and I will recommend you to anyone and everyone. See you soon xxx ”
“The course was great - I feel much more well informed now, but the relaxed way you delivered it means not in a ‘bombarded with information’ kind of way! It’s obvious that you put a lot of love into the hypnobirthing course, as with everything you do, so thank you!”
“Thank you for all of the additional information you sent us through. We can’t tell you enough how helpful we found the course. ”
“Susan’s course not only helped us have a wonderful birth but also a joyful lead up that was strengthening for our family in a time that can be uncertain. We spent time talking, listening to music together, using the relaxation techniques on each other (including our 6 year old) to prepare and it’s a time I look back on fondly. A wonderful way to prepare for a family of three to become four! Susan is so calm, and well versed in all that is hypnobirthing and birth preparation.
Susan also was amazing at being there us with information and support when curve balls came our way at the end of pregnancy. We had the confidence to have a great birth that was mainly at home as we had wanted and a swift VBAC delivery in hospital followed by hours of precious skin to skin. Amazing xxx”
“We both really enjoyed the course. The biggest impact on me is I’m actively looking forward to welcoming my baby into the world and I’m excited and confident that my body knows what it’s doing! Thank you”
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the Hypnobirthing & Birth Preparation course Susan. The course content, delivery and overall experience was absolutely excellent and we’re both feeling confident and prepared to deal with whatever the birth process throws at us. I now understand why participants of Hypnobirthing often become evangelical about the subject!”
“Thank you for the course, we both found it very useful indeed. And thank you for all the resources - we’ve been practicing loads and the positive affirmations are about to be put up around our house.
I found your course empowering and feel like we are in control, which is lovely...and also bizarre as we’re going into a situation that we’ve not done before...I also feel strength to stand up for what we would like the birthing experience to be like. I know my partner does too, and this I credit entirely to your course. “”
“Susan’s hypnobirthing course is not to be missed. It helped / is helping, us make the most of this really special time”
“Thank you so much for all your wisdom, advice, kindness and support - you are amazing at what you do.”
“We really enjoyed the course and felt inspired. Birth no longer scares me and I actually look forward to it now.”
“It was everything we had hoped for, peaceful, quiet, a really wonderful, amazing but also humbling experience. So first a long overdue ‘thank you’ for your valuable training and for being the strong, and only, positive inspiration I needed, that childbirth needn’t be a frightening and painful experience.
With grateful thanks”
“The breathing and relaxation techniques really helped me prepare for and during my c-section, thank you”
“Thanks so much for all of this! We loved the course.”
“Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Susan for providing me with such amazing techniques to get my anxiety under control after my traumatic first labour. I’ll be recommending your hypnobirthing to every pregnant lady I know!”
“Hypnobirthing supported my whole understanding of pregnancy and although baby arrived after being induced with a pessary, syntocin and being on the edge of an emergency c section the whole way through I was able to stay calm, in control and had a completely natural labour with only gas and air - meaning I was up and about straight after enjoying our new baby girl :)
Thank you Susan.”
“Couldn’t and wouldn’t have had the birth we did without you and your fabulous input Susan. Thank you xxxx”
“Thank you so much for the hypnobirthing & birth preparation the course at the weekend - I really enjoyed every second of it and would recommend it to EVERY pregnant person I ever speak to!”
“Both my husband and I benefited greatly from your Hypnobirthing course, and felt so prepared for what we were going into, thank you so very much. My husband had the confidence to support me using what we had learnt which was amazing - I couldn’t have asked anything more from him!”
“Thank you so much again for such an incredible course and for all the amazing additional resources through.
With all the knowledge, information and resources you’ve shared (and lots of practice on our end!), I know we will be able to make it a positive birth experience no matter what. Thank you for giving us that confidence.
And thank you so much for sharing your warmth, enthusiasm and expertise with us. It’s made such a difference already. ”
“We were able to use so many of key hypnobirthing principles during labour and birth, and although it didn’t go how we had ‘planned’ we stayed calm and we wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Thank you so much for the wonderful guidance you gave to both me and my partner. You really did allow me to conquer my fear of childbirth, in particular, how to handle fears and move past them (in my case-pain and the unknowns). I’ll be eternally grateful xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS. Will be in touch soon re. Baby massage and Mum & Baby Yoga”
“Wow amazing. Thank you for all the information. Hypnobirthing was amazing, you really have given us so many more options to think about and how labour can actually be really calming. It’s made me stop panicking and actually look forward to labour.”
“Thank you for all your support, wise words, and your YouTube channel which I have found invaluable especially with the breathing techniques. I couldn’t have got through this in the same mindset without the sessions and all the support from yourself and the other amazing mamas in the group.” ”
“I am so grateful for all of your time, experience, and positive energy. I know a huge part of making this journey as fulfilling as it has been is because of that! ”
“Just a quick message to thank you warmly for the hypnobirthing sessions. It was really informative, balanced, and in my view had the right mix of sciences, experience, common sense and wisdom. So thank you very much for that. We left the with lots to think about! Thank you again!”
“A huge thankyou to you, and hypnobirthing, and the massive confidence it gave me on the pregnancy and labouring process. I genuinely don’t believe I would have got so far without it. ”
“Your hypnobirthing course kept my husband and I as calm as possible throughout it all, even though things were difficult due to babys position and progression of labour was difficult. Thank you for giving us the skills to get through with calmness.”
If you like a celebrity endorcement - here's what Suzane Shaw had to say when she spoke directly to Katharine Graves about her hypnobirthing experience.