Active Birth Workshops

practical workshops in York for pregnant women with For Modern Mothers

Come and learn how you can use different positions, shapes and movement in your body during labour to help you have an 'active birth'.  Being active in labour and birth has so many benefits. It can:

~ help position your baby into the positions they need to be in to move down through the pelvis

~ help you create the most space in your pelvis to allow baby to move down through the pelvis in labour

~ help you feel less discomfort and pain in labour

~ shorten the length of labour

~ minimise the chance of your needing an assisted birth (forceps or ventouse) 

~ help you feel more empowered during labour and birth

This is important stuff that all pregnant folks need to know about!

What we'll do

~ we'll look at the biomechanics of the pelvis, and how it's designed brilliantly  to facilitate labour and birth

~ we'll look at how different shapes, positions and movement in your body creates or removes space in the pelvis in labour and why this is so important

~ we'll look at the role of gravity and upright positions in labour

~ we'll try out lots of different positions and movements - so you can experience them in your body and adapt them to suit you.

~ I'll show you how you can use a birth / exercise ball in labour and in pregnancy too and why they are so brilliant.

~ we'll look at things you can do to position baby later in your pregnancy, ready for labour.

~ we'll look at why connecting into your body in the moment is so vital in labour - and how there is no one right or wrong way of position to birth a baby in.

Who is it for?

For ALL pregnant women.   Everyone welcome, who wants to understand how physical movement can help them in labour and birth. Partners are welcome to come too, but solo mothers are very welcome and you will not be the only solo mother, so don’t worry if your partner can’t make it or you don’t have a partner.

What to bring

Please bring the following if you have them:

~ a yoga mat
~ an exercise ball / birth ball
~ a blanket
~ a cushion

Please do not worry if you don't have a yoga mat or a birth ball. You can also borrow a yoga mat from me on the night - just let me know in advance if you need one.

PLUS you also receive these extras:

~ a .pdf resource guide about active birth and the different positions and movements

~ a brilliant £30 discount on my fully comprehensive 5-star rated complete Antenatal & Hypnobirthing Birth Preparation courses 

~ exclusive access to a super-supportive private Facebook group too of local mums-to-be and new mums in York.

~ You'll also get my support to answers to any questions by email after the workshop too.

Where & When?

NEXT dates ARE:

Date: Monday 29th July 2024 

Time: 7pm to 8.30pm

Location: The Hive, Millfield Lane, Poppleton, YO26 6PA

After this date the next one will be on October/November 2024. Details coming soon. email me to get on the waiting list when booking open -



Just £14 Including a place for both you and your birth partner (although it is also absolutely fine to come solo too), and a printable 25-page Active Birth resources guide sent to you after the workshop too.

Limited places available

Drop me an email to enquire about the next workshop dates, or with any questions.

Pregnancy Yoga is a brilliant complement to my Active Birth sessions. It helps mums-to-be to connect with their baby and their amazing growing and changing pregnant body, strengthens and keeps the body mobile, eases aches and pains, can help you sleep better and you also learn lovely breathing and relaxation techniques too.  There really are so many benefits and you don't need to have practices any yoga before, or to bit 'fit' or 'bendy' or anything! You can start anytime from 14 weeks (ie the second trimester), and it will benefit you right up until baby is born.

I teach lovely friendly and award winning weekly pregnancy yoga classes in York, and I also run longer Pregnancy Yoga workshops and mini retreats in both York and Harrogate. To find out more about them and book your place visit the Pregnancy Yoga page of my website