After working for a number of years with women who are trying to conceive, these unique support packages combining all of my knowledge, training, skills and experience in fertility support.

I am delighted to be able to offer you bespoke support packages for that have a holistic mind-body complete approach. My aim is to help you take positive steps to feel more supported, more relaxed and with a whole set of tools and techniques to use to support yourself. I use my expertise, training and knowledge in all of this disciplines to co-create with you a unique package:

~ fertility yoga - both movement and/or restorative practices

~ meditation, guided relaxation, mindfulness and yoga nidra

~ self-hypnosis for fertility

~ self-massage

~ my training as a life coach & mentor

So you have a unique support package tailored to each person and your needs and situation.

"Fertility is not something that just happens in the fallopian tubes, it’s a whole body event. The mindset plays a big part and so does your general wellbeing and stress levels"

Zita West

Who are these support packages for?

Simply for any woman to is trying to conceive. Whether women who are planning to start a family soon and want to prepare themselves, women actively trying to conceive, struggling to conceive for the first time or with subsequent pregnancies, women trying to conceive after miscarriage, or women looking at assisted fertility treatment (like IVF, IUI or ICSI).

My tailored packages are available in person in York, UK and also virtually (anywhere in the world) via Zoom.

How can they help?

My support packages can support you to address and reduce the negative effects of fertility problems on your life.

When experiencing difficulties in conceiving it is not uncommon to experience a reduced sense of mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and to all sorts of emotions. Perhaps to feel stressed, frustrated, angry, jealous, guilty, hopeless or anxious. I can help you by using a range of mind-body techniques to support you to work through powerful emotions and restore balance.

When can they help?

I can support you at any stage of your fertility journey: Whether you are initially thinking about trying for a baby, or if you have been on the path a longer time, have had recurrent miscarriages, or you have conditions like PCOS or endrometriosis, or are going through IVF cycles.

Each support package will be unique to you. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or to get pregnant using assisted reproductive techniques like IVF, ICSI, IUI., your program will be personalised to you

How my support packages can help you

I use a wide range of techniques to help you resolve any blocks, to help you feel more positive and motivate you, and to support you. All of this combined can help you to:

  • Reduce stress and worry, and feel calmer and lighter

  • Address lifestyle factors that may be affecting your fertility, like eating habits, relationship issues, work pressures

  • Discover and resolve unconscious resistance or emotional blocks to conception

  • Quieten negative thoughts and critical self-talk about your fertility, so you can fully embrace a positive mindset

  • Work through any past trauma, miscarriage or loss so you can restore trust in your body and visualise and look forward to a positive future

  • Feel more connected to your body

  • Feel more prepared for and positively enhance assisted reproductive techniques and IVF

  • Achieve positivity and clarity as you move towards conceiving a baby.

  • Reduce the affect of fertility issues on your life

  • Prepare emotionally and physically for pregnancy and parenthood

  • Make healthy decisions that feel right for you: including to continue or discontinue fertility treatments. As well as perhaps considering other options to parenting such as adoption or egg, sperm, embryo donation.

My support is compassionate, non-judgmental, gentle and focused on positively transforming the experience of your fertility journey.

Why work with me?

My approach uses a wide combination of techniques from different disciplines that I have trained in. I bring them all together to provide you with the unique support you want and need, for a holistic mind-body approach - because trying to conceive is the ultimate mind-body experience.

That’s why I feel it is so very important to look at fertility issues from a holistic point of view. I use a combination of techniques, and we’ll work together to create a unique package that suits your needs, including:

~ Working with physical movement practices and yoga to help bring you into your body and really reconnect with it (it can be common to feel really dissociated with your body if you have struggling with fertility problems.

~ Self-hypnosis techniques can help with limiting beliefs and having a more positive focus from a deep level within you.

~ Deep relaxation practices, breath work, restorative yoga and mindfulness can all help you find some calmness in your mind, be amazingly powerful in remove stress hormones from your bloodstream, and calm your nervous system.

~ My training in perinatal trauma recovery can help with any difficult feelings from perhaps previous miscarriages.

~ Coaching techniques bring reflection, help us be present to ourselves, and bring this all together into a comprehensive and supportive framework.

~ We can creating simple yet beautiful ceremony and simple rituals to help you find your calmness and ease through your journey on a daily basis and also at key points in your fertility journey.


I have personally supported over a hundred woman over the past five years, and adapt my support to you uniquely. Here’s what others have said:

There is something so deep about this work with Susan. I left each session feeling lighter, feeling that positive changes were happening through the three months we worked together. It really made such a difference to my journey to getting pregnant. I can’t thank you enough.
This program is simply brilliant. I haven’t found anything else remotely like it and it was really such a support and reassurance for me. Thank you
At a time when I felt truly broken, Susan gave me time, space and the tools to reconnect with myself again in a gentle but amazing way. The time taken, and the care she brings, the calmness and ease she radiates made the session we had such a joy - despite it being such a challenging time in my life

What we’ll cover & working together:

We work start where you are at, exploring first of all where you are and where you need support. Then we create something unique for YOU together. Something that feels right and supports you as you need to be supported. There is no prescribed way of working, and we can adapt and change our course as we move through our time together. You lead to way, I give you tools and practices that support you wherever you are at.

  • We look at the right techniques for you, these might include fertility yoga movement, restorative yoga, breathwork, visualisations, guided relaxation, yoga nidra, journalling, fear or trauma releasing, self hypnosis, creating rituals, sound work and music, affirmations or mantra, reflective listening, coaching

  • We’ll work so you can develop and build a positive and compassionate mindset about your body and trying to conceive, using a variety of techniques. 

  • Together we will set personal goals for how you want to think, feel and act - discover what you really want your life to look like

  • We’ll look at and review some simple daily practices to create little rituals that will help you get where you want to be in body and mind.

  • I’ll guide you through your journey, with prompts and accountability so that you can feel supported every step of the way, feel you have the right plan for you, and transform your mindset and approach to getting pregnant.

The Support Packages

Three Months Fertility Support Package

Wherever in the world you are we can meet via Zoom in private, one-to-one consultations where you will be welcomed into a supportive, welcoming, safe and confidential space. I’ll take time to listen to exactly what is important to you on your fertility journey, and then we’ll co-curate a beautiful package of care and support to help you and your own unique situation, using all of my knowledge, skills and expertise.

The program of support working one to one can be for any situation from natural conception or for preparing for and going through an IVF/ICSI/IUI cycle.

My aim is that you’ll leave each session feeling uplifted, calmer and feeling connected to your inner strength, and with practices to do between session too,.

The package we co-curate is completely tailored towards your needs and requirements. But the framework for three months of my support includes:

  • Pre-commencement questionnaire and chat. We’ll connect via Zoom or email - whichever you prefer to create your unique support package.

  • 6 x 1 hour long fortnightly private support sessions via Zoom or in-person if you are local to me. Using a combination of all the techniques, and bespoke to you.

  • 12 x weekly check ins. A quick check in each week, by email, so you have regular contact and keep your focus

  • Support in between sessions, whenever you need it. Unlimited messaging access between our sessions for the 3 months of the package. For your wins, wobbles, worries or random questions.

  • I’ll also send you support practices and material, including worksheets, guides and practices recordings (including MP3’s and videos), for use between our sessions. To keep you focussed, on track and feel really supported.

  • My compassion, attention, commitment and support - being there for you. My promise to you is to provide you with the best of my skills, qualifications and life experience.

The investment for this package is £450

(available in 2 x £225 instalments if you prefer - I will arrange your payment plan privately).

For more information or to book, please email me using the link below:

My Qualifications & Training

  • Specialist training as a Fertility Yoga Teacher

  • Fertile Body Method practitioner

  • Certified Coach & Mentor (accredited by the Association For Coaching)

  • Perinatal Trauma Resolution with 3 Step Rewind technique Practitioner

  • Hypnosis for Fertility Professional training

  • Experienced Yoga and Meditation Teacher (500+ hours trainings)

  • I have also done many additional hours of CPD training in meditation, mindfulness and breathwork, and completed my NLP practitioner foundation training

Having faced my own fertility challenges before becoming a mother to my girls, I can relate in some way to where you are now. And can assure you that in our sessions I will hold a space for you in whatever way you need.