Posts tagged pregnant york
Breaking the fear-Tension-Pain cycle of labour & birth with hypnobirthing

It’s completely normal and natural when you think about birth, to think of the word pain. It’s a product of our modern society and culture, the media, the dramatic stories we have been told. We sadly rarely hear birth stories that are uplifting, magical, empowering, positive and full of love and joy. But there are many.

But what if you could let go of the fear that you feel about giving birth to your baby? So that would make it less painful. And be genuinely excited about giving birth? Well that’s where hypnobirthing come in. Read on folks.

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Reducing the chance of a tear during birth

I wanted to chat to you today about something that most women (if not ALL women) fear and worry about in pregnancy. And that is tearing in birth. So anything that you can do to reduce the risk of having a tear, is surely good to know yes? And there are things you CAN do in pregnancy and in labour too, to help to minimize this happening.

So read on to reduce this fear and feel more calm and confident through your pregnancy and in your labour and birth.

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Nourishing & Energising Treats For Labour & Pregnancy

At the end of my Pregnancy Calm & Relax Mini Retreat last week I loved to share a little something edible and homemade to restore and give energy back to the mama's to be. After an afternoon of letting go, relaxing and nurturing body, mind and baby it's lovely to revitalise with something delicious to eat. They are also perfect for energy in labour too. After many requests hre’s the recipes. Enjoy. Susan x

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Tell Me About... Breastfeeding Support, with Treasure Chest York

This is such an important blog post and video! It's all about local breast feeding support here in York by a wonderful organisation called Treasure Chest. They are an amazing resource that aims to promote, support and encourage breastfeeding in the York area. They have amazing FREE breast feeding workshops you can attend when you are pregnant, and they offer brilliant support once baby arrives and for as long as you'd like or try to breastfeed (in person and on their Facebook group too). And support is SO important when you are trying to breastfeed. It is often not an easy journey, but having support and knowing where to turn is REALLY important.

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