Posts tagged positive affirmations
Will this Baby Ever Arrive?? 15 Tips For An 'overdue' Baby

Babies have not read the book about due dates, and simply turn up when they feel like it. But waiting for baby can be a tricky time, especially mothers to be. With calls from friends and family, and pressure for an induction will very likely mount from health care professionals. This can really undermine a woman’s much-needed confidence in her body before she’s even started the challenging journey of labour and birth. So here are some ‘natural nudges’ that women often try.

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Positive Affirmations For Motherhood - FREE for you

Filling your mind with positive thoughts, and reminding yourself what a truly amazing job you are doing, can really help you feel brighter and repeating positive affirmations actually rewires your brain and halts negative thought patterns.

Use these affirmations on a daily basis to help you create pops of positivity when you are sleep deprived, hormonal and feeling overwhelmed. They are simple yet effective, and allow you to regroup a little and focus on the positive. Find you FREE printable Positive Affirmations For Motherhood here.

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Part 4 - Comfort Measures For Labour

Welcome to the final part of my top tips and techniques to ease discomfort and manage the sensations of labour, however they may feel in your body (and remember everyone is different). So in this post you are getting the final 10, which makes a whopping 31 Comfort Measures in total!! Being informed and educated and knowing you have choices is hugely important in having a positive birth experience.

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