Posts tagged KG Hypnobirthing
Top Tips For A Slowed Labour or 'Failure To Progress'

In labour there is a phrase that is often not so kindly used to describe a woman who’s labour is not moving fast enough - according to folk who decide on the appropriate the speed of the average uterus! I kid you not! Such women, and you might be one of them, will be ‘delighted’ to learn the term ‘Failure To Progress’ will be written on your notes and perhaps bandied around. Fricking great! Just what you want to hear. So here’s some tips for getting a slowed labour moving again.

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Pregnancy What Ifs // What If My Baby Is Breech?

This week in my pregnancy yoga class here in York a women has found out that her baby, at 36 weeks pregnant, is in a breech position. This is not ideal for a vaginal birth but there is lots you CAN do and we spoke about some of the things she might do to encourage baby into the more favourable head-down position. So I thought I’d write a blog post to share with you about breech babies and what you might do and what your options are if you find yourself in this position later in your pregnancy.

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5 Hypnobirthing Myths Busted - VIDEO

When people ask me what I do for a living and I tell them I run hypnobirthing and birth preparation courses, often I get a confused look which makes me smile. I then get asked many of the same questions, or misconceptions about hypnobirthing come up again and again - so it’s time to bust some of those hypnobirthing myths!

Take a look at my video, or you can read the transcript below if you prefer

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