Posts in Pregnant Body
EAT your placenta? 8 Options For Your Placenta Post Birth

Your placenta is a pretty damn amazing thing. A whole new organ that grows to support your baby through pregnancy providing the nourishment and oxygen for your baby to grow. Without the placenta there would be no baby. In itself it’s pretty WOW. But once baby arrives earthside, the placentas job is done. So what happen to your placenta, should you keep it, and if you do what can you do with it now? Eight things (including eating it) you can do with this unique pregnancy organ.

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Rethinking Pain in Labour & Birth

I wrote a blog post last month all about the Fear-Tension-Pain cycle in labour, and how it’s really important not to fear birth - as that can make your labour more painful and potentially longer too. So I wanted to do a short blog post to follow up to that, and to explain how ‘pain’ in labour is completely different than other types of pain. And how if you can think about it in a different way this can really help you to manage the sensations of labour and birth. So read on:

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5 Brilliant Benefits Of Pregnancy Yoga

Even if you have never stepped foot on a yoga mat before, you may well be drawn to yoga during their pregnancy as many women are. Pregnancy yoga provides a safe and gentle way to move your body in pregnancy, working with your pregnant body as it grows and changes. But pregnancy yoga offers *SO* much more than just exercise appropriate for the pregnant body, and many mums to be discover they are reaping many many more benefits than they imagined from taking a pregnancy yoga class each week. Here's my guide to 5 brilliant benefits of pregnancy yoga.

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Pregnancy What Ifs // What If My Baby Is Breech?

This week in my pregnancy yoga class here in York a women has found out that her baby, at 36 weeks pregnant, is in a breech position. This is not ideal for a vaginal birth but there is lots you CAN do and we spoke about some of the things she might do to encourage baby into the more favourable head-down position. So I thought I’d write a blog post to share with you about breech babies and what you might do and what your options are if you find yourself in this position later in your pregnancy.

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What Is A Placenta? 10 Amazing Placenta Facts

Every mother is likely aware that a placenta goes hand in hand with pregnancy. Even if you don't know much about what a placenta does, you likely understand that a placenta plays a pretty important role for the baby, since it's right there in the womb with your developing baby.

But do you know what a placenta really is or how amazing they are? Well read on and find out more about the amazing placenta.

Here are 10 amazing facts about the placenta:

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