Posts tagged pregnancy meditation
A 5-minute Practice to stop Fear from Photoshopping our Reality

Our reality is a reflection, not an absolute. There are so many social folk laws and cultural influences that influence our reality. Essentially, our beliefs, preferences, attachments, expectations, fears, emotions, and experiences all get rolled up into one big burrito and, voilà, we’ve got our subjective impression of reality. Hypnobirthing and Mindfulness can really help you find your own inner feelings, and remove the fear about birth thats been put upon us.

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Practicing Loving Kindness - for pregnancy and motherhood

Loving Kindness for Pregnancy & Motherhood

"In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts, that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to converse with our hearts….If we are still, and listen deeply, for even a moment, we will know if we are following a path with heart… " Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart

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