Hypnobirthing Myth #4 - It's All About The Birth

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Hypnobirthing Myth number 4
- It's all about the birth

I wanted to ‘bust’ another hypnobirthing myth with you today. Because I know that people can think that ‘all’ that you are going to learn on a Hypnobirthing course is about the birth of your baby. Now while is absolutely SO important, you will learn so much more besides on my unique course - this is Hypnobirthing, birth preparation and so much more too. Let me tell you a bit more….

My course is really so much more than just being about the birth of your baby. Yes you will definitely get fully prepared for your labour and birth, there is so much more you will learn and benefit from.

~ My course will help you have a calmer, more positive, more relaxed and less fretful pregnancy. You'll have techniques to use that will help you through the ups and downs of pregnancy, when you doubt yourself or how the heck will this baby get out!

~ You'll also have a deeper connection to your birth partner, and to your baby too. The practices you do in pregnancy will help you deepen your bond, and let your instincts grow, and that is so very important in labour and birth, and long after as you transition into motherhood too.

~ My unique Hypnobirthing & Birth Preparation Course also gives you time to savour your pregnancy, to celebrate it through the busyness of modern life. To have time to reflect on your amazing body and on the mind blowing job you’re doing growing a whole new human. Seriously, wow!

~ I'll also show you how to become an expert in navigating tricky or stressful situations, with calmness and positivity so you can create the positive birth experience you desire, the one that is right for you and your baby.
~ And you'll learn all about what you can do to position your baby in pregnancy, to have a more comfortable and possibly shorter labour too. 😊

So as well as skills for birth, these are skills for all through your pregnancy. And indeed these really are skills for life, for both you and your birth partner. Learn and use them in your pregnancy, have the best birth for you and your baby using them, and then use them to stay calm and confident into motherhood. 😊 ❤️

As someone who’d been on my course two years ago said to me recently:

“Love your hypnobirthing course. It helped me change my mindset for life. I used to be such a stress head, but your course has been a big part of changing to much calmer person and parent. You are an awesome teacher”

Pretty amazing stuff! Join me on a course anytime from 20 weeks onwards. Find all the details for my unique, life changing Hypnobirthing & Birth Preparation Course here.
Susan x