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Women’s Fertility Support Circles


Lets gather…

These Women’s Fertility Circles are a space for you to find a sense of connection and belonging, on what can be for many women a lonely fertility journey.

Being able to connect with other women about your experiences in ttc can be invaluable. These facilitated support circles give you the opportunity to do just that. An open an confidential space to feel heard, to listen to other women's experiences and feel supported. You'll also benefit from a guided relaxation at the end of the session, so you leave each evening feeling calmer, less stressed and more relaxed too.

Created for anyone on a fertility journey. Including and welcoming to everyone, including natural or assisted conception, primary or secondary infertility, early in the journey or on a longer track. All welcomed warmly.

 You will be listened to, you will be seen, you will be heard and be deeply held. You will have space to simply be, to be able to let the mask drop. You'll be in a shared space and understanding. Giving yourself time and space to feel heard, to reflect and tend to yourself.

Through these weekly group gatherings there will be conversation, listening, inner reflection and a chance to rest. These circles are facilitated by two fertility professionals - Anne Gledhill-Myhill and Susan Bradley (see more about us below).

We'll lead the sessions and add support where needed, we can also signpost you to other professionals as required, and we'll end each session with a beautiful guided relaxation or visualisation for you - so you always end in deep rest. The sessions will be curated by the group and your needs, we’ll hold the space so you can connect. You can contribute to as much or as little as you are called to, if you want to simple listen please know that is absolutely fine. 

Open to everyone, no knowledge or experience required. Come with all your stuff, just as you are, and find a sanctuary and space to be.

// What you can expect:

- Opening welcome and a short grounding practice

- Reflection, introspection and coming together in a virtual community with like-minded people through conversation, listening, being heard with the circle space. Everyone will have the opportunity to share and speak, Please be aware that you do not have to, and can simply listen if you want to.

- A guided relaxation to end the evening

These are friendly, welcoming and inclusive spaces. Everything is confidential, and the sessions are not recorded.

// When do they take place?

A series of 4 weeks of a new Women's Fertility Support Circle running throughout June 2022.

On these dates: Wednesdays 8th June, 15th June, 22nd June, 29th June

Time: 8pm to 9.30pm

Location: Online via Zoom, from the comfort of your own home

// Hearing the call?

Then come and join the circle, and find the supportive space you need.

If you have questions about the sessions then please do get in touch -

// Investment

£35 for all of the weekly sessions in June (that's four 90 minute sessions)

// Your circle holders

Anne Gledhill-Myhill

Hello, I’m Anne. Acupuncturist, fertility emotional well-being specialist and independent (private) midwife.
I’m the mother of three teenage sons. Twins conceived via IVF as a 40 year old single woman and one naturally 2 years later.
I am passionate about emotional well-being and convinced that supporting the mental and emotional health of women through the challenges of a fertility journey can optimise the outcome.
Susan and I are excited to hold this space for you as you receive and offer support to one another during what is often a lonely and confusing time. More about Anne at

Susan Bradley

I offer specialist support for women trying to conceive in a number of ways to suit you and your life. I have specialist training and expertise in Fertility Yoga, Fertility hypnosis and relaxation. I combine this with my other specialist knowledge of mindfulness, breath work, self-compassion, meditation, restorative and relaxation practices and my training as a women's coach to offering a comprehensive support package as a Fertility Coach for both women trying to conceive naturally or those going through IVF. 

My approach uses a wide combination of techniques from different disciplines that I have trained in. I bring them all together to provide you with the unique support you want and need, for a holistic mind-body approach - because trying to conceive is the ultimate mind-body experience. We work together to create a unique package that suits your needs.

More about Susan at and all her fertility offerings and support here