T’s Positive Birth Story: Hypnobirthing in hospital
T’s Positive Birth Story: Hypnobirthing in hospital
Prior to pregnancy me and my partner had never heard of hypnobirthing or knew what it was. We also realised when everyone was asking what we wanted for the birth, that we didn't really know much about birth and the many options and choices.
We decided that before we write a birthing plan we'd like to learn more. We booked onto Susan's course following recommendations from others at Pregnancy Yoga and due to it being a comprehensive course covering all aspects of birth and hypnobirthing.
We thoroughly enjoyed the course and came away knowing what we hoped for for the birth and aware of the pros and cons of lots of other options should be needed. Following the course my partner said that he was now looking forward to the birth!
Everyday following the course I put into practice the hypnobirthing prep; breathing techniques, listening to the hypnobirthing tracks and relaxations, positive affirmation cards and reading positive birth stories. We also purchased a wave comb, some tealights and essential oils. At this point I wasn't sure whether it would all work or be beneficial but wanted to commit to the approach with the hope that it would be.
My due date was set as the end of June but in my mind I knew it would be a July baby - July is my favourite month. I had also been using the natural cycles app, which tracks your periods and ovulation, and this predicted 2nd July as a due date. So when the end of June came and went, I continued to enjoy my extra time relaxing in the sunshine in my garden.
My Sister was doing a charity walk at the weekend and I wanted to go along to support her. I also wanted to make my last pregnancy Yoga session. Once I'd done these things, I said to my partner I'm now ready for her to arrive. I felt like she and I were ready. That evening when I harvested some colostrum it felt almost euphoric, very different to how it felt all of the other times. I went to sleep and in the middle of the night I awoke with what felt like period pains in my sacrum. I said to my partner I think this might be a contraction but I'm not sure. We laid together and slept a few more hours and by the morning I felt as though they definitely were contractions with the feeling coming and going like waves.
I started to implement the breathing techniques and the wave comb at this point, even though they were quite mild, to help me get into the flow of it. I also strapped wheat bags to my lower back using a pregnancy belt, which I thought at the time was genius! We got up and made a banana bread, this is something we'd planned to do in the first stages after we learnt that it can go on for a long time. The contractions became stronger and more frequent throughout the morning.
Around 1pm we rang triage and they advised us to make our way in. Implementing another tip from the course, to be able to remain as relaxed as possible, I wore sunglasses and headphones with the hypnobirthing tracks playing. I was so glad of this as we were initially sat in the waiting area and then on the ward. The midwife initially said I think you'll probably be going back home but on assessment I was 6-7cm dilated and was admitted to the labour ward.
The midwives and students were so kind and had clearly read my birth plan. They set the room up dimly lit with aromatherapy which made me cry with how nice and comforting it felt. We were able to use the birthing pool which was brilliant and I was able to move with how my body felt. Throughout the whole of labour I kept the hypnobirthing tracks on my headphones, completed the breathing techniques and squeezed the wave comb.
My partner was essential in supporting me through every contraction by holding me, applying pressure to my lower back and breathing with me. The midwives were fantastic and watched from a distance until needed. They provided reasoning and options at each stage and respected our decisions.
I managed to complete the labour without any medical pain relief, despite the contractions becoming more intense than I had anticipated and the only intervention being an episiotomy at the very end which I decided was the best option in that moment. We both look back so fondly on the experience.
Thank you to Susan for giving us the knowledge and tools for such a wonderful experience and to the brilliant midwives who enabled us to put those tools into practice. I now realise the true capability and awesomeness of women's bodies and the power of the mind.
Thank you for everything Susan, and hope our positive birth story helps another Mamma to be like reading other people's did for me: